Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It Comes and Goes So Fast!

I cannot believe Christmas is already over.  This is a holiday we plan for over several months and then it seems like it's over in a blink of an eye. This year was mine and Scott's first Christmas together married. We are so blessed to be able to spend Christmas with both of our families.

My first gift was a great surprise from my parents.  Mom and I had a day planned of cooking and baking.  When I arrived at my parents house my dad was not home.   To my surprise him and Scott were setting up my Christmas present...a new kitchen table!!! (We all know we needed one, the blue card table did not quite match the kitchen.)

We spent Christmas Eve  at my parents church with my step-sister and nephew. It was a wonderful service and I truly enjoyed hearing the new pastor preach.  We had a great dinner and a wonderful time of fellowship!

Christmas morning was a fun time at the in-laws.  My father-in-law is known for his omelets! Omelets and family time was a great way to start off Christmas Day.  

And the fun continued...the day after Christmas was spent at my parents.  We had my grandmother and 2 uncles over for little family time.  We had a blast playing Catch Phrase and doing a Gift Card Exchange.

Now the initial Christmas "joys" are over but we must be reminded of the reason we celebrate Christmas. Christmas would mean nothing if it weren't for Easter. I have thought about this before but never heard anyone preach on it.  The new pastor at TSBC did Christmas Eve.  Christ was born to ultimately save us from our sins, which leads us to Easter.  It is fascinating to think of all the connections and the true meaning of why we celebrate Christmas.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I pray the new year is a blessing and that you see our wonderful Savior at work in 2012.

Prayerfully, Courtney

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I'm so glad you decided to have one. Enjoy! Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. Love your new table! Happy New Year!
