Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First time Meeting the Easter Bunny

On Monday, my mom and I took Makenna to see the Easter Bunny. My mom bought her an adorable "My First Easter" outfit and bunny ears. Talk about ADORABLE. She definitely got some 'oooo's and ahhhh's" and one lady even asked if she could take a picture of her. I may be biased but she is pretty darn cute if you ask me. :)  She was as happy as could be. The Easter Bunny was so great and just held her close and allowed us to get some cute pictures. Obviously she is still young and not aware that a giant bunny was holding her but mom and I discussed I wonder how she will react next year. If she is anything like me there will be no sitting on the Easter bunnies lap next year. 

Here are a few pictures!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Time Flies...2 months Old

Friday, March 1st you turned 2 months old. We cannot believe how fast time flies. It seems like I was patiently waiting for you to arrive. At your 2 month check-up you weighed 9lbs 7oz and were 23.75 inches long. You are in the 75% for height and 20% for weight. Dr. Meyer said you are doing great!

You celebrated your 1st Valentines. Mommy took pictures of you that morning and you smiled at the camera for the first time! Now you smile ALL the time.  :)  Your Nana came over to hang out for the day and brought you your first Valentines Day card. That evening your Ganma came over with all of your cousins to bring you a Valentine' s Day goodie bag...loaded with candy (for mom and dad, of course) and clothes for you! Your grandparents love you dearly.

This month we bought a new house! After you were born mom and dad realized you came with lots of things. :) We needed more space to move around. You would hang out in your bouncer while mom took care of "house things" and at times would hang out attached to mom in your pouch.

At 8 weeks we moved you to your own room full time. You go to bed between 6:30 and 7 and sleep until 2am-3am. You feed for 30 minutes then sleep until 7. You are such a good sleeper.

You love:
Lucy's kisses
Bath time (Daddy baths you)
Visits with Ganma and Ganpa/ Nana and Papa
Watching Word World and Praise Baby
Walks with Charlie

You're personality is coming out! We love watching you each day. You light up daddy's day when he comes home from work. You cuddle with him on the couch and fall asleep in his arms. Each day brings more joy and we pray that as you grow older you will find joy in the Lord.

We love you,
Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Child of God

Sunday night we had Baby Dedication at our church. It was a sweet time to make a commitment to our family, friends, and church body that along side them we will create a home where is learns to love our Lord and Savior, pray diligently, and seeks the Bible for the Truth. 

 Our sweet, little family

 These are wonderful friends in our HomeGroup that dedicated their children as well. We have the best HomeGroup at Pantego hands down! So very blessed by all of their support. 

 Our support group! (Scott's side)

 Our support group! (My side)

We commit to trust God's promises for you, seek God and biblical instruction, and discipline you in love and grace.  We will teach God's word to you, pray for you daily, and encourage you to pray.  We will do this alongside our church and family.

We love you,
Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1 Month Old

Sweet girl, 
You turned a month old on Feb. 1. We cannot believe it has already been a month. Time has flown by. We love every second we get to spend with you and have loved watching you grow. My how you have changed.

Just a few hours old!

1 month old picture.

You love:
Cuddling with daddy
Rocking with mommy
Your Paci
Your alone time
Bath time
Your colorful playmat
Baby Einstein Songs and Videos

 Cuddle time with daddy!

Loving your paci!

You are not a fan of:
Having your diaper  or clothes changed changed
Bight lights

On your 1month check-up you had to get your Hep B shot. You cried for about 10 seconds until Mommy comforted you and gave your paci. You are growing like a weed. You weigh 8lbs 3 oz averaging a pound every 2 weeks. 

You are such a wonderful baby. You go with the flow and have adapted to your schedule so great. We had one really rough week due to Mommy and Daddy rushing things a bit. On Feb. 2 you slept 7 hours straight. You eat a 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, and 10pm. We put you down for naps after we have tummy time and you go to bed around 10:30.  You never cry...only when you have a wet diaper or you are hungry.  You are still in newborn clothes but getting close to moving up a size. Mommy isn't quite ready for that. I love how petite you are.  Everyone says you look like your daddy! You definitely have his nose and dimples. This past week your is beginning to look curly as well. You have beautiful blue eyes that I pray stay blue. You are such a gorgeous baby and we are so blessed to call you our daughter. 

We pray for you each night angel. We love you more than words can describe. You are the light in our world.

We love you,

Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Introducing Makenna Grace

Our Angel entered the World on 
January 1, 2013
at 6:19am
6lbs 10oz
18 1/2in

On Wednesday, December 26 I went to my weekly doctors appointment and they discovered my BP was slightly elevated.  Our doctor decided to monitor my BP over the next 5 days and if it did not improve then she would induce. We returned to the doctor a few times over those 5 days with the same results. Our finally appointment on Monday, December 31 resulted in a scheduled induction immediately.  We left the doctor office and headed to the hospital. Our emotions were flying. I was an emotional mess to be honest and I believe Scott was just in shock that it was really here.  I was against being induced because of the medication but understood that for health reasons it had to be done.  This didn't make me any less apprehensive though. Once we arrived to the hospital and got checked in I felt a peace about it all. I knew this was best for Makenna and myself.

At 11:00 am on December 31 I was hooked up to pitocin to start the process...the very long process. Over the next 19 hours I did not progress but slightly. At 3:30am Makenna's heart rate dropped and I spiked a fever. Within 2 hours (it seemed like more than that) they decided to do an emergency csection. Again, I was totally against this and thought I would never have to have a csection. (The Lord was teaching me about His plan during this entire process. By the way, that's the lesson He is frequently having to remind me of. Maybe one day I will learn. ) They prep'd me for the surgery and wheeled me back to the OR. It was NOTHING like I had imagined. There were 10+ people (doctors and nurses) zipping around in there like little bees. I am not sure what they were doing but they sure did. On top of that the conversation had NOTHING to do with my surgery. It was like they were enjoying coffee together. HAHA Phones were ringing, people were texting...again NOTHING like I could have imaged but it was all good they took care of business.

 By 6:19am our precious gift from God entered the world and took her first cry. The joy filled our bodies as they showed us Makenna for the first time. Tears came to my eyes along with a smile as big as Texas.  

Makenna was the first born at Arlington Memorial Hospital for the 2013 year. She is our little celebrity and was given a blanket handmade by a sweet Dotti, a AMH volunteer. 

The love I have for this child is undescribable. Everyone always tells you how amazing it is but I did not realize exactly what they meant until she was in my arms. Scott and I are both so in love with her and thank our Heavenly Father nightly for this precious gift He has trusted us with. 

Makenna, mommy and daddy love you more than words can describe. We cannot wait to watch you grow over the coming weeks, months, and years. Our prayer for you is that you grow up to be a God fearing lady and live out His plan for your life. We will be behind 100% and want you to know we will ALWAYS love you.