Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sweet Pregnancy Highlights:
(I was 18 weeks when this picture was taken-my bump is a bit bigger now.)

How Far Along: 20 weeks- I am HALF way there! I cannot believe how fast it is going.
Size of baby: 8.0 inches long, about the size of a small cantaloupe and weighs about 10 ounces.

Weight gain: +9
Maternity Clothes: About 2 weeks ago my momma and I went on a bit of a "Back to School" shopping spree. I bought a few dresses, several long shirts, and leggings. Also, I bought a pair of maternity jeans and surprisingly they are VERY comfy!

Gender: It's A GIRL!!!!! We are VERY excited about our little princess. :)

Movement: She is moving a lot but only I can feel her. She is not kicking hard enough to feel it on the outside yet but I feel like it will be very soon and her daddy will feel her kicks. 

Sleep: Sleep is still frequent but I do wake up as a turn over. I sleep with a body pillow that I prop under me. 

Symptoms:  Stomach muscles are stretching, frequent potty breaks, feet hurt, and lower back is sore

What I miss: Sweet Tea!! 

Cravings: Spicy foods and milk

Best Moment this week: On Thursday we found out the gender of our little one. We had a Gender Reveal Party at my parents house. The lady that did our wedding cake make cupcakes for the party. She filled 1 of the cupcakes with the gender color (pink). Everyone was instructed to wear blue if they thought it was a boy and a pink if they thought it was a girl. Let's just say the majority wore blue, including me! It was a lot of fun and lots of SHOCKED faces when it was revealed we would be having a baby GIRL!

What I am looking forward to: Scott being able to feel his little girl kicking!